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Anycast DNS Services Launch

Published in Products on January 12, 2019

Each Anycast DNS product comes with the possibility to extend its resources with addons. You will be automatically upgraded from professional to enterprise if resource usage fits the profile to prevent you from overpaying. The enterprise product provides additional features that are not included in the professional plan. Please contact the sales team to learn more.

The locations and resulting response times used for client requests to your website depend on the DNS product you have purchased.

Depending on the product you have the choice of up to 10 worldwide locations to deploy your services. Our low latency network has a dedicated primary 100 Gbit capacity and the ability to burst up to 800 Gbit through our peering partners. Our network engineers are continuously optimizing the routing to ensure low latency and high bandwidth throughput across all datacenter locations. Customers additionally have the option to request custom routing.

curl -i $container/hello-world.txt -H 'X-Auth-Token: $token'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 14
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: text/plain
X-Object-Filename: hello-world.txt
X-Trans-Id: tx8145a190241f4cf6b05f5-0052d82a34
Last-Modified: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:41:49 GMT
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:51:32 GMT

Our simple and intuitive developer API allows you to manage and extend existing products, as well as submitting new orders without interaction.

Our network equipment across all locations is backed by enterprise grade DDoS protection gear to ensure your services stay online even in the event of an attack. All products are protected without additional charge, but the protection capacity can vary depending on which product you have ordered. Our dedicated private cloud offers the best protection with the complete 500 Gbit mitigation capacity.


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